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Knowledge is power!

Get access to a world of relevant industry news, product innovations, learning paths and special promotions

Through different publications itsme ES Elektro keeps you on track with independent news and innovations. Interesting stuff,  whether you are working in your company’s purchase/procurement department, technical or production department or are involved in the logistic operations of your company. Or, for that matter, in any other department or general management. As long as you are interested in anything or just something  related to ‘industry’ there is enough to cater for your needs. We have 5 regular publications to still your thirst for information.

itsme SeMNAL 

The knowledge magazine for the industrial market which is published by itsme in your language quarterly. Every edition revolves around a specific and current theme, like digitalization, process optimization or energy efficiency. Available online and in print.

itsme TechnoNews

News and innovations in the field of industrial automation and mechanical solutions custom fit for you. Through TechnoNews we present a selection of news topics in the field of electrical and mechanical products, services and solutions from our technology partners.

itsme Academy

Your newsletter with details and flash updated regarding trainings and events that itsme, and our technology partners, are happy to provide you with. Expect from free online MOOCs, online webinars to on-site workshops and courses.

itsme SupportingYou

Special promotions; always in conjunction with leading supplier brands. Launching new products. Always backed-up with knowledge of our sales support team about lead times, product data and anything you would like to know more about these promotions. But also completely clear digitally as well.

itsme Connections

A few times a year, irregularly, just some news not directly related to ‘industry’. itsme is an international group with its roots in the Netherlands. ES Elektro is the Romanian company in the group. Economically, politically and  culturally there are strong links between the countries. Itsme ES Elektro is part of the NRCC (Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce) as well as the DRN (Dutch Romanian Network).

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