Your machinery should work for you. That sounds logical, although you are confronted with a lot of practical matters during the cause of the day. For example, how do you optimally organize the maintenance process of installations? When do you order which part? And not unimportantly: how do you ensure that everything in in place, without having to worry about it too much?
Deliveries the way you need them
Trust our products for your machinery. We supply the parts for your installations and are also your partner for example lighting, personal protective equipment and all accessories for your workplace. The only thing we do not supply are your raw materials.
The products for your process
Our range of products is large, with around 1.6 million items available online. Yet we will not stop there. Because you obviously want that specific product on time. At the moment you need it and tailored to your logistics process. We are not only your total supplier. We are your partner for just-in-time deliveries, supplier reduction and standardization..
Interested about our supply services for your organization? Ask for a free Skype conversation with one of our experts. Contact us for an appointment, we will call you within one working day.
Your machinery should work for you. That sounds logical, although you are confronted with a lot of practical matters during the cause of the day. For example, how do you optimally organize the maintenance process of installations? When do you order which part? And not unimportantly: how do you ensure that everything in in place, without having to worry about it too much?
Deliveries the way you need them
Trust our products for your machinery. We supply the parts for your installations and are also your partner for example lighting, personal protective equipment and all accessories for your workplace. The only thing we do not supply are your raw materials.
The products for your process
Our range of products is large, with around 1.6 million items available online. Yet we will not stop there. Because you obviously want that specific product on time. At the moment you need it and tailored to your logistics process. We are not only your total supplier. We are your partner for just-in-time deliveries, supplier reduction and standardization..
Interested about our supply services for your organization? Ask for a free Skype conversation with one of our experts. Contact us for an appointment, we will call you within one working day.
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Just in time
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You prefer to keep your inventory as low as possible. The fewer projects you maintain, the less you spend on management and square metres. Instead, the efficiency within your logistics processes will increase - accompanied by greater reliability and quality for your customer. With just in time delivery we are to keen to contribute to that result. Flexible and calibrated to your organisation, so that things are there when you need them
Supplier reduction
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Your project must start on time That is easier said than done, especially when you have to chase after the required parts. Often you have to deal with umpteen suppliers. And that’s not even counting all the associated administration and pressure on your goods receipt, warehouse and more. This can be done differently with supplier reduction by itsme.
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The fewer operations industrial engineers conduct, the more efficiency they will gain. Perhaps you use multiple brands for product groups. In that case, purchasing and management will demand a lot from your administration and logistics. Imagine that you could leave all those operations behind. For example by rolling back unnecessary variation and using the benefits of harmonised packages. How much could you save?
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Once upon a time a small part of the assortment ensured most of the turnover at most companies. Things are very different now, in a time where the internet means that we buy less of more products. Long tail is the future. And at itsme we are leading the way, by finding the right product you are looking for inside and outside our assortment. Client specific through customised sourcing.
Data services
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We are more than happy to use our extensive ERP system and our extensive experience with smart logistics solutions for your benefit. We understand that it is often difficult for you to bundle logistical information: most ERP systems are not designed for this!
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Kitting keeps things moving. Multiple goods are delivered in one kit, numbered under one article number and compiled however you wish. A kit is therefore a unique custom product. Supplied directly by us, without you having to worry about any preparation. Instead you can get straight to work on the assembly of a machine or a switch-box.
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What do you do with defective product? Do you have it repaired or replaced? And whatever you choose: how much does it cost? With our repair service you know exactly where you stand beforehand. We come and collect the product, we assess the defect and offer you a specific proposal with multiple options. Will you have the product repaired? Then we’ll deduct the assessment costs from the final price.
Product information services
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With our product information services we go a lot wider than with a VMI: with this we help you to maintain and keep your own article database up-to-date. And therefore, for example, we can quickly and automatically identify phased-out products for you and offer form-fit-and-function alternatives.
Identification services
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A machine manufacturer likes to stay on top of his spare part management. Whether its about predictive maintenance or replacement during a disruption: availability is of the utmost importance. You also expect a price advantage with your smart purchase, although you don’t know for sure if you are getting a specific part for the most competitive terms.
Customer data information
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Stockless production is possible for everyone! We are more than happy to use our extensive ERP system and our extensive experience with smart logistics solutions for your situation.
Special packaging
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Orders must arrive on time at the place of destination. Without damage, anywhere in the world. Ask us about the possibilities for special packaging. We package your product as you wish and provide it with all necessary documents for shipment, such as customs documents and MSDS sheets.
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What does a value tell you? To what extent do details of pressure and temperature, for example, correspond with the applicable standards? You want clarity - and security as well. Ask us about the calibration of your measuring equipment. You compare your output with the known value and correctly interpret you measurements.
Spare parts services
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You work with sustainable machines and you count on their reliability. Many machines still operate every day even after twenty years. And then suddenly you may need to replace a part: that's why itsme offers spare parts service.
Logistic tuning
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Get everything delivered in one go, or twice, or on a specific delivery day and time: you decide how we take care of your deliveries! Delivering stock items directly and other items in one go? And with or without packaging material: surprise us with a proposal: nothing is too crazy for us!